Fitness Fun

June 9, 2015
Katherine Geoghagan, RD, LDN, CDE
Latest posts by Katherine Geoghagan, RD, LDN, CDE (see all)

by:  Katherine Geoghagan, RD, CDE

Does the word exercise make you cringe?  Does going to a gym seem cold and uninviting?  We all know we need to move more to help with our weight, blood pressure, diabetes and overall good health.  But if you don’t like the “E” word, think outside the box.  Exercise doesn’t and shouldn’t feel like a chore.  Knoxville has some great resources to help get you out of the house and on your way to having fun and getting fit.

Outdoor Knoxville is a great place to check out local greenways, trails and parks in and around Knoxville.  Check out their website at  It has links to different bike, running and hiking groups.

Ijams Nature Center is a small piece of the Smokies tucked inside Knoxville.  There are hiking trails and nature gardens to explore.  They offer seminars and hands on workshops too!

The important thing to remember about being active is it should be fun!  So, get out there and take advantage of what Knoxville has to offer.